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Could We Create a Business Together?



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    stevesteve subscriber Posts: 14
    Yeppers Steve! Thanks for
    scoop, I now quite realize the importance of your product...was an
    amusing typo to see tho...Lots of people mispronounce
    gluten. Don`t know you well enough to know if you were serious or
    teasing. I figured the explanation couldn`t hurt either way.

    Part of our business mission is to raise public awareness of Celiac
    Disease. Approximately one out of 133 Americans has it, but 29 out of
    30 who have it don`t know it. That makes it the most mis-diagnosed or
    under-diagnosed common disease in America with some very serious
    consequences. Osteoporosis, anemia, infertility, cancer; all avoidable
    if diagnosed in time and treated by simply eating gluten-free.
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    stevesteve subscriber Posts: 14
    I didn`t say, don`t do it.  As a matter of fact I think I
    said there is money to be made.  It is just a matter of how much
    and for how long. 
    If everybody (every web site) started offering a link (as an
    affiliate website)  to a complete library of free e-learning
    programs and everybody knew about it instantly because it was promoted
    extensivly how many people would purchase from SUNU.  Im actually
    surprised that someone hasnt already done this. 
    Such a program would be very easy, already designed it out aacouple
    years ago.  The difference is that I wouldnt  have had to
    spend any resources at all to compile the library
    Now I`m not saying don`t do it,  I`m just trying to say that
    the life expectancy of such a program could be short lived and not to
    be surprised.  20 bucks a program, 100,000 people , thats some
    pretty good profits. 
    Yes it should be done, because when the time comes when people are
    no longer willing to spend money on such a program we could use them as
    a premium for the other services that will be offered.

    many options available,

    MikeYou raise some very legitimate questions. I believe there
    is a big difference between someone offering a link as an affiliate
    site and being the actual content developer. I`m willing to bet the
    best selling courses will be something no one has even thought of yet.
    It doesn`t have to be limited to business. When it comes to things
    people are interested in learning, the sky`s the limit.

    We can offer a commission to content developers for course material
    they contribute. Imagine a graduate student who`s already doing
    research on a particular topic anyway. If we offered a commission for
    every course sold, how many would jump at the chance to gain some extra
    income as well as the visibility. They could even claim to be published! We`ll never know until we start what direction it could go and how far. It could be like You Tube except with some real content value. Someone someday would pay serious money to reach an audience of people who are thinking.

    Right now the Internet is going through a "cotton candy phase" where anything that is sweet is good regardless of how little substance there is. It`ll grow up so that sweet alone isn`t enough. Some people are already there; enough I believe to make a good market.

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    stevesteve subscriber Posts: 14
    How would the news below, mentioned in another topic, alter the group`s course on the University/Mall idea?I wondered about that too.

    Don`t forget that our business idea was hatched on SUN. It was never
    expected to actually be hosted here. Our target market is the whole
    Internet not just those that happen to be on SUN.

    My take on the mall / university blended concept is that the university
    is simply just another store in the mall where the products happen to
    be online course material.
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    rexiedexierexiedexie subscriber Posts: 97 Silver Level Member
    Could we educate people to use widgets where ever possible?
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    EricEric subscriber Posts: 8
    Hello again everybody. I`ve been silently watching these last several pages unfold. I had a nagging suspicion that this thread was going to get caught in an eddy current and that`s OK really. When and where it pulls out of this eddy current may have been 2 pages ago when Mitey  asked "What would you think if this thread started right here" and offered a "do over" ....great idea.
    To that I say yes-- A regroup is definitely in order. Please place us back upstream into calm waters again so we can take in our surroundings and get a bearing on our location and take a look at our map. Let`s see which streams are truly navigable for a canoe, an important distinction....this isn`t a fancy power boat like Sloan Bros. tool around in. This boat runs purely on people power until it can afford to upgrade. Yes, it`s slower and requires more teamwork but it`s all we have. With Captain Mitey at the rudder I`m confident that she`ll have this boat patched up and everyone paddling together once again. I have but a single paddle and I`m awaiting orders.
    By the way..... It has been very interesting to see the debates over the process and the opportunities available. I`m seeing excellent examples of individuals improving their viewpoint, reinforcing their concepts, and taking diplomatic steps toward convincing others of what they believe to be an ideal opportunity. This is real progress in itself.
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    stevesteve subscriber Posts: 14
    I`ve got an idea to throw out that just might be crazy enough to work. I`m pretty sure the Sloans have no irons in this fire.

    I have at my disposal a 10,000 sf bakery equipped with mixers and an
    oven perfectly suited for medium to high volume food production. As
    most of you know, ours is a gluten-free bakery (wheat, barley, rye and
    most oats are prohibited).

    This is a market with lots of screaming needs. I have some ideas for
    niches in the market that are hot right now. If we can come up with a
    gluten-free food product that can be manufactured and packaged with the
    equipment I already have or can obtain, I would consider offering my
    facility under a contract manufacturing arrangement at a competitive

    Any thoughts?
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    DeafCeoDeafCeo subscriber Posts: 3
    errr i am lost ........ but i am gonna pdf this and read it on the plane..
    yall have a nice thanksgiving
    but how about starting a dedicated server focusing on small business/startup...
    it seems that every hosting company is sold out!
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    SecondHandRoseSecondHandRose subscriber Posts: 3
    I might be way off and if I am please forgive me. I would love for someone to be part of my web site. Or shall I say what my web site represents. The numbers of people in America becoming disabled is increasing. One out of every five Americans are becoming disabled. That is an alarming amount. The age group that is being hit hard are the baby bloomers like myself. Which puts the budget of Social Security Disability in a very scary state. I myself became disabled at the age of 49 when a truck driver fell asleep behind the wheel. In a matter of seconds my life did a 360. degree turn around. SecondHandRoseBoutique is about helping these people put their life back inorder. Going from one income to a fix income can be pretty devastating. What I would like to achieve on my web site that there are other options available. For one creating there own web site to supplement there income or becoming finacially independent. For I feel there is enough room on the internet to be shared by all. So if  anyone like to jump aboard please let me know.
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    rexiedexierexiedexie subscriber Posts: 97 Silver Level Member
    Where did you take this test???
    Another test for you "Find Out What Type Of Entrepreneur You Are"
    See the Free Profiler Test http://www.peoplethatclick.com/</A>
    Michael C (rexiedexie)
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    stevesteve subscriber Posts: 14
    Yes Steve, I have two unique ideas for "Gluten-Free For
    Celiac Diets" food products. They are not out there yet, they are
    sweets. I know they are not trademarked yet. I have both domains. How
    do I confidentially present the ideas to you? I hope these two will go
    good with your line-up. Yes, two thoughts. First I want to
    know if this is something the group is interested in doing. I thought
    it would open up a whole new area to consider since up till now we`ve
    had a serious case of tunnel vision.

    I`m not necessarily looking to add a product to my line-up. If we
    choose to do this business, we`d have to develop our own brand identity
    including packaging and marketing material, come up with formulas,
    establish broker relationships, set pricing and get distribution, etc.

    Bringing a product to market takes a lot of work but done right it can be very rewarding.

    Everything except the actual baking can be done in collaboration on a
    virtual basis. I`m offering our facility on contract to do the parts
    that require a fixed location.
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    AudioPatentsAudioPatents subscriber Posts: 1
      Yes, This is why I`m here.  I have just the (patented)
    products.  My guitar technology can make us all wealthy. 
    What is the 2nd step? Lets do this. NOW!
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    rexiedexierexiedexie subscriber Posts: 97 Silver Level Member
     "Jeff/Group,  Yes, This is why I`m here.  I have just the (patented) products.  My guitar technology can make us all wealthy.  What is the 2nd step? Lets do this. NOW!"
    Jeffrey and all here: just stick with this group as things progress I`m sure we can incorporate all talanted people and ideas here into the money making process. It you have not been following this post long; it may help you if you read all posts.
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    rexiedexierexiedexie subscriber Posts: 97 Silver Level Member
    Vinyl records are still very popular with collectors.
    In todays music sceen and clubs have DJs playing all over the country to the local kids (children/teenagers).
    A local Melbourne Company here in Australia sells a super high quality turn-table.
    It sells in Australia for $65,000 Aud  about $50,000 USD and is being distributed worldwide. A friend of mine, his son work on the design.
    See http://www.continuumaudiolabs.com/Contin.html</A>
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    dmulardmular subscriber Posts: 0
    Hi Everyone,  My Friend `rexiedexie` told me about this thread.. Very cool.  And I love to connect with Sun people, whether present or past, the creativity of Sun people is invigorating.Hey I think it is possible.  My network went world wide and we have helped thousands to find jobs through a career network.  We are now building our Business Community to extend the logic.  If everyone brings their talents to an effort it would be inspiring. Dawn
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    rossbrossb subscriber Posts: 5
    Steve wrote:
    I have a lot of respect for Ross and I appreciate him
    speaking his mind. I believe it`s important that we all be honest with
    each other, especially if we have concerns.
    Ross, I think you may be misinterpreting what`s going on. We are
    nearing the end of the second business idea submission period. We`re
    supposed to be throwing out new ideas.
    Steve -Thanks for another perspective, I can see how I may have misinterpreted things.At the very least, this is an amazing process to watch!  I`ve really no doubt that it will be successful on some level, there`s just too much talent and enthusiasm here for it not to be!R-
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