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Howdy! Coming from an AI (ooh fancy!) company.

Travis LongmoreTravis Longmore subscriber Posts: 12 Bronze Level Member
 Hey folks! Thought I'd introduce myself a little and say hi. I've only recently ventured into the startup world after working for a huge Aussie company and am loving it. Have started working for a company called Move37.ai which has just released (in the waiting period) a smartphone app called Jean to help businesses uncover new ideas to post on social media. It uses the AI technology to curate relevant content, find  topics that are trending online and includes options to post that have been built by social marketing experts. It lets you post or schedule for later. 

It's been a real challenge going from the bureaucracy laden big business world to a really nimble startup that's focussed on customer value. It's strange but I got used to having to go through different levels of approvals to get something done and now I'm just digging in and doing it. I love it!

It's been a real learning experience working with data scientists to develop the technology to get results for the business. I have to say I was only vaguely aware of what AI or machine learning really meant but having sat beside them for a few months I'm beginning to understand how incredible it is. 

Can't wait to jump in and learn more here! 


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