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rvdebbyrvdebby subscriber Posts: 11
Most entrepenuers that I have met invest in themselves. They read, listen, quest for the best. I bet that all of you have some great messages in your in-box every day. Here are my two favorites. Hope that you share yours  I know I can always use more positive input in my life.
http://www.bguides.com/</A> This site is about business, it reminds you that work is a good thing.
http://www.tut.com</A> This site delivers comments of encouragement directed to you specifically, from the universe. Warning--sometimes the messages will cause your morning coffee to snort through your nose.


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    keyconkeycon subscriber Posts: 34
    I follow many websites and newsletters. If I have to pick one ...
    Daily thought from Napoleon Hill website - very inspirational. Right there in the old mailbox every morning to start the day off right.
    To subscribe, right-hand column, bottom - a little hard to find.
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    HHHH subscriber Posts: 0
    My favorite inspiration is not a site, but a part of a poem, I think.  Here it is:
    Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart
    and try to love the questions themselves
    like locked rooms
    and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue.
    And the point is to live everything.
    Live the questions now.
    And perhaps you will gradually,
    without noticing it,
    live along some distant day into the answer.
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    JWDesignCenterJWDesignCenter subscriber Posts: 1
    Music and Art are my inspiration... every day I listen to something new... or at least I try to...and find one new piece of artwork that I like for that day.  There have been many days when the artists of old (Mozart, Beethoven, Monet) have inspired me to make something great for the future.
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