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    GrillCharmerGrillCharmer subscriber Posts: 7
    Welcome GetAGrip!  Regarding rules, just go to:
    You can tell us anything you want about your company or product.  Anything you say is "public" so be careful w/ your IP if you are not protected, but otherwise blab awayGrillCharmer2007-4-24 16:30:22
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    JanedoeJanedoe subscriber Posts: 0
    Ok Guys -this is it- we could hear at any time now! The suspense is killing me!!!
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    FEASTerFEASTer subscriber Posts: 0
    Mary Kay,
    Heh.  Better to stay awake than have dreams like that! 
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    storybookstudiostorybookstudio subscriber Posts: 7
    Mary Kay -
    What a terrible dream! The sad part is...that totally sounds like something Comcast would do! Our cable was out Monday night - I couldn`t watch 24 (my favorite show).
    Oh well...anyway - positive thinking everyone!
    Have a great day ;0)
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    GetAGripGetAGrip subscriber Posts: 14
    Hello, as I said earlier I am new to this forum.  Just a little bit about me, I presented in Chicago for the Oprah product search.  My company is a start up based around an invention.  My company is 3R Products, Inc. and our product line is called the Get-A-Grip: Multi-Purpose Tools(www.3rproducts.com</A>).  I am always looking for advice and help where anyone can offer.  I also am full of information on bringing your product to market, we did so in a little under two years.  Good luck to everyone on the Oprah thing.
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    lesismorelesismore subscriber Posts: 0
    Hi GetA Grip:
    Welcome...I am at www.lesmess.com</A>. and my question to you is who do I ask for when I call a company and how do I get my product to market?  I am looking for major publicity from a major publication to generate business from my website...But, maybe I should try and get Target to buy my game.  Thank you. 
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    dianadiana subscriber Posts: 2
    Hello everyone
    just a few more days. the waiting stinks. i have also submitted a videa to oprah in request of people who have been inspired to help others after the loss of a loved one. i will know about that one by may17th. i do feel qvc is not going to pass up a good product. there will be many winners
    good luck
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    poopourripoopourri subscriber Posts: 1
    Does anyone have any experience with the home Shopping Group?  They just called about my press release and tried to sell me on their company for an hour.  Something feels fishy?  Any word?  thanks for the help.  Suzy
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    GetAGripGetAGrip subscriber Posts: 14
    Hey lesismore,  First of all, do you have everything done that you need to?  Do you have intellectual property secured, a manufacturer to produce your product, a good marketing plan?  These are all things that you will need to get moving in the right direction.  With my product, I hired a very good National Sales Manager, who then set up a sales network with several rep. agencies around the country.  Sales reps. in your area of product usually already have a good contact with buyers in your industry, this allows them to do the work for you and you can concentrate on the bigger picture (forming your company).  Sales reps. work on commission usually 5%-10% of total sales that they do for you, I pay 5% with added bonuses on occasion.  This is one way, the other is to get out a do this yourself.  Go to websites of companies that you want to present to, call them and ask for a buyer or merchandising department.  You may get the run around for a while, but keep calling until you get who you need to talk to.  I did this with a little company called Walmart and it eventually paid off, finally locating a buyer who would take the time to review my product and now we are set up to be in Walmart by fall.  Persistance is the key to this whole business, you may think that you are bugging the people you are contacting and you may very well be bugging them, but they will listen eventually.  It is not easy and wil be very frustrating, but if you have a good product and you want it bad enough, you can make it happen.
    As for the last post on the home shopping group, it is probably the same people who contacted me and we soon found out that they were not good people to do business with, that is just my opinion!  You never know, I could be wrong.
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    JanedoeJanedoe subscriber Posts: 0
    Wow ...it`s hard to believe that we will hear today or tomorrow. I haven`t heard anything yet. I ordered a pizza pan for my husband and received an email from qvc about it and just about had a heart attack seeing that in my email yesturday. Took me forever to read it and then felt like an idiot when I did. Good luck to all of you!
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    lesismorelesismore subscriber Posts: 0
    I got a call from Truckstop.com.  They aske me if I was on OPRAH yet...and I said no.  They said, we know.  Becuasse if you were, you would have used us  I`ll go on their site today and see what is up.
    Good luck to everyone about QVC/Oprah.  One more day.  
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    FEASTerFEASTer subscriber Posts: 0
    Good luck everyone!  It`s been fun waiting together.
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    poopourripoopourri subscriber Posts: 1
    It has been fun!  tomorrow is the day!  Yeah! About Home Shopping Group: the "senior buyer" sends me over their contract and they want a one-time vendor fee of $17,700!  I knew it was getting shady when she asked the old "lets close this sale" question of... "Are you in charge of making decisions?". They may be a nice enough bunch but I am leery about giving any buyer $17,000 upfront.  Just a heads up in case they contact you.  I spent an hour and a half listening to her pitch.  
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    GrillCharmerGrillCharmer subscriber Posts: 7
    Poopourri, check out this
    Sounds familiar
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    lesismorelesismore subscriber Posts: 0
    Hey Get A Grip:
    Thank you so much for the great information.  Yes, I am patented and copywrighted. I just have to remember to send in my fee in 5 years...they tell me they will not remind me. So, I`ll have to remember.  It was so cool, I received a phone call at 7:45 am...telling me my patent had gone through and the guy said to me, right before he hung up the phone,"this is your federal government at work." And, he acutally gets to work at 6am so he can call people and get them at home. He woke me up (my alarm goes off at 7:50 --I like to be in work for 9).   
    Check out my website...www.lesmess.com And, yes I am ready to go national. I have 1,000 samples to send out to prospective buyers...I have to find the time to make the calls (and to whom?)...and also get national media attention.
     I want to have all of this done...yesterday!
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