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Special Offer for SUN Members!

perrymcperrymc subscriber Posts: 3
My Website
I`m going to call this my "Name Your Fee" offer exclusively for Startup Nation members.  It`s very simple.
Here`s how it works:

Engage me for your Graphic Design needs; you can do this by email to perry[at]perrymc[dot]com.
I will work with you to develop outstanding graphic design customized to meet your specific need, be it identity, web design, print collateral, or whatever.
My fee need not be discussed up front!  You will only pay what you believe the deliverables to be worth - no questions asked.
There is no obligation whatsoever.
Why make such an offer?  Several reasons:
First, introductions.  What better way of getting to know other passionate entrepreneurs?
Second, my foot in your door.  What better way of getting in on the ground floor of your future empire?
Third, networking and referrals.  What better way of spreading the news of the outstanding, affordable graphic design work?
If you need a reference, contact here.
So, don`t just sit there!  Email me, get your graphics, name your fee!  It`s that simple!
Yes, I do reserve the right to accept or decline work being offered.


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    iouone2iouone2 subscriber Posts: 14
    PerryMC, you make a great offer to the members of the SUN. I am not in need of your service, but wanted to make it clear...What a great offer.
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    keyconkeycon subscriber Posts: 34
    Perry - must say, nicely done offer. What a deal! Good hunting.
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    iouone2iouone2 subscriber Posts: 14
    As you get, and complete design work would you be willing to post it?For example; Give a one or two liner about the task to solve. Be it logo design from a sketch, or complete brand package... Then provide a link or image of the finished product.I think there would be many of us interested in your skills. It would also provide a moment of "advertising" for the time you are accepting the "Pay for What You Get" offer.On a side note... For those of you who take him up on the offer...Get additional quotes for the project you are doing... Especially if you haven`t much experience in "the cost of design." Being a 15+ year experienced designer (I know there are several of us here), I know how time consuming, not to mention technical this type of work is. It IS a professional industry with many fakers. Real designers deserve their money. It`s hard work to design & create. That`s why you haven`t done it yourself already!Hey, perrymc. As I said, I think your offer is great and would love to see some of the projects you complete from Startup Nation Members.
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    OnlineSidingJamesOnlineSidingJames subscriber Posts: 2
    Great offer!

    I just had an idea the other day for a project that I needed graphic design for and now I can`t remember what it was...
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    RichRich administrator Posts: 582 Site Admin
    has anyone taken you up on your offer? we`d love a progress report.
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    JoetheRoadWarriorJoetheRoadWarrior subscriber Posts: 2
    Keep up the good work you guys at SUN have been doing. When I returned from a Consultant contract in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia that lasted most of the 1990s, I had literally left (and forgot) American-style of business. Then I "found"  myself in the early 2000s and what to do? I met Joel Welsh at a few events, he introduced me to Digital Detroit and he made me an Ambasador. I had sent that website to many of my international contacts. He then went to SUN and I followed. I have sent this website to many international contacts and a few have registered.
    I am also a VIP member of two International Registries with member contacts throughout the world. A business colleague in the GCC paid for my memberships. I am a Michigan Delegate to the 2006 VFW National Convention in Reno and guess what? In Reno, NV, there are 85 registered members on one Registry and 18 on the other. I already have a few meetings set up in the evenings after VFW Business - and I will most definitely have SUN as part of my "repertoire" of discussions!!!! 
    You guys have the "right ideas" and it is my fervant hope that I can assist in the entry and development of fellow Entrepreneurs in the "area of my birth". Pontiac Central High Class of 1964 - GO CHIEFS!!!!  LOL
    Have a successful week.
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    perrymcperrymc subscriber Posts: 3
    jake, has anyone taken you up on your offer? we`d love a progress report.  rich
    Hi Rich,
    At present, I`m working on 2 projects.  I do hope to eventually post project progressions as iouone2 suggested (pending owner approval).
    Perry  (I think you might have misunderstood my name as `Jake` from my opening post - Jake is the reference I offered.)
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    LogoMotivesLogoMotives subscriber Posts: 15
    I do think that Perry`s offer is "gutsy" and do hope that some SuN members take advantage of his offer.  However, I will admit I would never make such an offer to any client.  Having been a graphic designer for over 30 years now I do know that in any client relationship for such services there is simply way too much opportunity for problems if every aspect of such a project - including the predetermined cost - is not clearly spelled out in a project agreement or contract.  I won`t even consider beginning a design project without a signed agreement and a deposit payment clearing my bank.  With the Internet already greatly devaluing graphic design services the initial rate ranges I provide potential clients are most often a great "prequalifier" of my clientele.  It`s funny, but the second greatest "prequalifier" is my design project agreement.  If sharing that document scares away a possible client it is usually a good thing.  I will not discount my rates even to establish a possible client relationship - unless I am working with a nonprofit organization with the proper documentation.  The discounting of my rates devalues my work and the years of experience/knowledge that comes with working with me. Part of my business practice responsibility is to educate the client about the value of my services.Unfortunately, with online logo/design mills, and the ability for anyone with a  computer to refer to themselves as a "designer," the general public has a very skewed perception of the worth of a graphic designer`s work, what goes into the creation of design efforts, and what may be most appropriate for conveying the client message.  I repeatedly get emails from people wanting to have a logo design created and expecting it to cost $200-300.  My rates for such projects start at $1500 for the smallest companies.  Most logo projects end up costing several thousand dollars. The vast majority feel that those prices are extreme - those individuals/companies are not my target market.  An interesting tid-bit of information - each time I raise my rates I get more, rather than less, work.  I think it`s due in part to a consumer perception that if something costs more it must be better.  If that is working in my favor I`m pleased to make use of that perception.   But then I am also in the "work less, charge more" phase of my design career. "Work less, charge more" is a mantra I always encourage those in the design profession to adopt.Best of luck to Perry with his offer.  I`m curious to see the end results.- J.
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    perrymcperrymc subscriber Posts: 3
    Me again.  Things have changed recently for me.  A whirlwind of circumstances have led to me quitting the day job and going out on my own as a consultant in the land development engineering business.  My graphic design work will be offered, but only as a value-added service.  (I need the graphic design work to feed the left side of my brain!)
    That said, this special offer thread was mostly unsuccessful for me -- relative only to my initial expectations.  I did work with a couple of members and made some new contacts - and friends too.  Plus, I learned a few things.
    So, given that i have to now feed my children, I don`t have the luxury of speculative graphics work.  So this offer is officially closed.
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