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coronavirus crisis: ideas to develop

Boris EpsteinBoris Epstein subscriber Posts: 1 Member

Hello listmates,

Here are ideas I believe are worth looking into in light of the crisis going on. Looking for team/collaborators to make them happen.

1) nCov/flu viruses die at temperatures above +56C. So the idea would be to develop a portable, leaf-flower style fan device blowing hot air at temps of +60C or above at a person to be used prior to admissions to even venues, etc.

2) Full space suit for first responders complete with filtered/clean air, hydration, possibly even waste management. As it is, nurses and doctors working with COVID-19 patients wear the same PPE the whole shift, thus go without water and food and bathroom breaks for up to 12 hours. The mask drives down their oxygen intake too. Altogether that drives down their immune response which must be why sop many of them die when they get infected. A "spacesuit" like this would help with all of that.

3) Devices to open doors with feet only.

Will prevent people from touching door knobs unnecessarily. Will also help movers move furniture around.

4) Portable minihouses/fully livable tents.

Will help first responders who may have become contaminated with a pathogen and need a place to stay apart from their families. Also useful in housing the homeless, etc.

5) Separation partitions/devices for places of business.

Combination of barriers with touch displays, etc. that would allow people to shop, go to restaurants, order/receive items without direct human interaction with business's employees.

Any feedback welcome.


E-mail: borepstein@gmail.com


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