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Survey: This is a survey for established businessowner as well as those who are just starting out

VeitVeit subscriber Posts: 1 Member
Hi everybody,

My name is Veit and I'm happy to be a new member here at StartupNation, though I did follow some discussions before.

Personally I'm just about starting out myself with a blog which I want to build up to an online business in the future and I would like to start a discussion here with two questions I have.

I would like to separate it into two groups, one being already established business owner and the the second group being people like me who are just starting out or plan to do so.

Now my questions:

For the already established business owner:
In your business, what is your biggest number one struggle? And what is holding you back solving it?

And for the guys starting out:
What is your number one biggest struggle to start your business? And what is holding you back from starting it?

I'm really curious what you're going to say as this is all very new for me and I'm still learning a lot. :)

Looking forward to read your answers!

Have a great day!


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