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How To Come Up With New Content Every Day - 4 Tips

iyazamiyazam subscriber Posts: 33
edited June 2009 in Marketing
The answer to this question is very simple - develop daily disciplines.
When I first started my blog I was ready to quit after the first week -
adding content everyday seemed like a nightmare. But when you stick to
it on a daily basis - it gets easier and easier.
Here are a few tips...this is what I do:
1) Browse Internet forums related to your business - and search for the hot topics people are discussing.
2) Go to Yahoo Answers
and search for questions that are within your niche - what are people
asking? what kind of problems do they have? Just from here you could
get content for a whole year.
What you should do is - ask those same questions on your site and answer them in your own way.
3) Browse Article directories and see if you could find an interesting article that you could re-write in your own words.
4) Start interviews - interviewing people in your industry could never end. Have four or five set questions that you ask each time.


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