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The Recruit’s Depot online storefront

therecruitsdepottherecruitsdepot subscriber Posts: 1
edited July 2007 in Website Critique
I`ve hesitated to put my website on here, because honestly, it`s just a simple storefront.  We don`t offer much except a straight product that`s far superior to anything else available.
Due to the simplicity of my one-woman show, I`ve used godaddy.com`s Quick Shopping Cart tool to create my site.  It`s a perfect solution due to the constant updates I need to make, but it does commit me to the limitations of the tool`s features.
Having said all of that, here`s what we offer...
Our store is for families of new Marine`s graduating from Parris Island.  It is customary for the families to attend graduation and wear their Marine`s unit colors.  This has resulted in very cheap t-shirts being sold in parking lots around town every Thursday night (graduations are on Fridays).
What I`ve attempted to do is raise the bar by offering a quality souvenir t-shirt along with other useful products (similarly printed to double as souvenirs) for both Family Day and Graduation.  To explain, Family Day is a 12 hour event on the Thursday before graduation where the families of graduates watch their Marines run, talk with their commanders, and enjoy an afternoon touring the island with their Marine.
The difficulty I`ve had is in clear communication with the families.  I`m trying desperately not to be too wordy, but I also understand that most of these folks have no idea how the Marine Corps works or what to expect while on the island.
The Marine Corps does send an information packet full of useful information to the families about a month before graduation, but many families are too enthusiastic to wait for this info.
So, I`m looking for feedback on my organization and my product descriptions.  Please keep in mind that most families come to my website armed with little more than a graduation date for their recruit (Marine to be).
Without further ado http://www.therecruitsdepot.com</A>
Thank you very much in advance!


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    VideographyVideography subscriber Posts: 401 Silver Level Member
    Two issues.1) Get rid of that damned crawl.  It is distracting and looks amateurish.2) Your pictures are tiny - 60x40 pixels and you expect someone to know what they are?  I had to click four times to finally get to a reasonable size picture.  A couple of the layers of clicking appear to be superfluous.  If you are targeting the parents, remember that they don`t have 20-year old eyes.
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