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    mompreneurmompreneur subscriber Posts: 1
    Janedoe - Good Luck.
    I`m sorry to hear that the process has been less than fun...If it were easy, everyone would be doing it.   But you do learn a lot about yourself and the people in your world....you have to surround yourself with positive forces.
    1 week... 
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    NetmomNetmom subscriber Posts: 5
    Ok guys I have been away for a while but I have some info to share...
    I have it on good authority that they currently have about 30 products going through Q&A right now. So if we haven`t gotten that call we can be pretty sure we didn`t make the show. However they will be sending emails on the 27th or so to everyone and that will detail if they are interested in moving forward with some of the other products. Since I have experience with them I kind of knew that we should have heard something considering the shooting constraints of the end of the Oprah Show season.
    But the good news is that there are several products that will move forward with the QVC process so try to stay up. It just means those of us that haven`t heard thus far won`t do Oprah on that show. Bummed but still optimistic...
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    poopourripoopourri subscriber Posts: 1
    Is your product going through Q & A? 
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    mompreneurmompreneur subscriber Posts: 1
    Netmom - They have narrowed it down to 30 from 5000 already....wow.   I`d love to know how you found that out but completely understand if you have to remain hush hush until Friday.  Those are much better odds for the last 30.... 1-3!  
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    poopourripoopourri subscriber Posts: 1
    Call me Pollyannish but I also see the products being tested may have had to be ingested, used on the body, etc and there may be more liability to them and more testing required.  mine sprays in a toilet.  not ingested, used on the body, etc.  Also I have had several orders placed online from many people I do not know.  Maybe they did an undercover ordering of the product to keep it quiet. We have had some media aorund it...so who knows??  I like that thought   I will stay in my little fantasy world with my head in the clouds for a bit longer.  BTW anyone want to try Poo~Pourri?  you will love it...I promise   Maybe trade some dips for it Love, suzy www.poopourri.net .  
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    poopourripoopourri subscriber Posts: 1
    Dippy Chick-Haha, one is for going in and one is for going out.  Sorry the potty humor takes over sometimes
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    JanedoeJanedoe subscriber Posts: 0
    Call me Pollyannish but I also see the products being tested may have had to be ingested, used on the body, etc and there may be more liability to them and more testing required.  mine sprays in a toilet.  not ingested, used on the body, etc.  Also I have had several orders placed online from many people I do not know.  Maybe they did an undercover ordering of the product to keep it quiet. We have had some media aorund it...so who knows??  I like that thought   I will stay in my little fantasy world with my head in the clouds for a bit longer.  BTW anyone want to try Poo~Pourri?  you will love it...I promise   Maybe trade some dips for it Love, suzy www.poopourri.net .  
    I had the strangest order the first week after I got back. Thanks so much for mentioning the possiblity! He didn`t act like a typical customer. Where did your orders get sent to?
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    NetmomNetmom subscriber Posts: 5
    Is your product going through Q & A? 
    I wish... nope we didn`t make it.
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    NetmomNetmom subscriber Posts: 5

    Thanks Netmom! That`s pretty much what I figured. I was pretty sure I wasn`t making it further because of my judge`s reaction, but I had hopes that someone on here would make it.
    Poopourri - Even if Netmom were one of the ones chosen, she probably can`t tell us yet.

    Trust me I can`t hold water. I was always the child who told on herself. If I knew something different and I could tell I would (and if I couldn`t I would probably post under a different name...lol)
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    NetmomNetmom subscriber Posts: 5
    Netmom - They have narrowed it down to 30 from 5000 already....wow.   I`d love to know how you found that out but completely understand if you have to remain hush hush until Friday.  Those are much better odds for the last 30.... 1-3!  
    Don`t know how they managed that actually I can imagine it wasn`t easy... I want to give you all a word of caution in what I said. Things could change at any minute. I am hopeful that we all get the "you are moving forward in the product search for QVC" email on Friday. Now if I don`t get that email I will probably be a little bummed out.
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    NetmomNetmom subscriber Posts: 5

    I had the strangest order the first week after I got back. Thanks so much for mentioning the possiblity! He didn`t act like a typical customer. Where did your orders get sent to?

    Now wouldn`t that be cool! The sneak attack on the q&a. But I don`t know how practical that would be for them to do. They
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    BenihanaBenihana subscriber Posts: 1
    Hey guys lets understand something. I have been on Network tv, and taping can be saved for the last minute. When Oprahs last taping is the first (to ) the 2nd week of May, there is still plenty of time.When a tv show says we need you , you dont walk YOU RUN!You have to be ready at a moments notice. Your products have to be ready..... yes..... at a moments notice. Only products that have the steps already taken (marketing , packaging, etc.) will be pushed forward (actually I should say the ones that QVC is interested in). To hear that they have narrowed it down to 30 is a bit ahead of its time. I would say that this week it will be narrowed down. EVERY PERSON at QVC that I have spoke to(even my judge which is a buyer lol, has not released one itty bitty bit about this competition. Except for the fact that they have narrowed down finalists by regions and were going through the next steps of narrowing down by products, demograpic etc.Final decisions are this coming week It won`t be released until this week. So unless you have pertinent info from a GREAT SOURCE? i would say its best that we wait it out and still believe that anyone of us have a chance! Trust me I am not upset about this , it just amazes me how one comment can make everyone throw in the towel,(well kinda) If it is so then great and good luck to those 30, but I highly doubt that. GOOD LUCK TO ALL AND KEEP THAT HEAD UP! 
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    FEASTerFEASTer subscriber Posts: 0
    Now I am completely confused. 
    Since I haven`t heard anything, I prefer to believe that the good news is coming April 27th.
    If I had heard, I would feel differently.
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    poopourripoopourri subscriber Posts: 1
    Right on Benihana!  I love to think in possibilities and its funny how those first come out of restricted thinking.  I read the post they have chosen the 30 and I dip.  then something quite magical emerges as possibility.  Its quite a fun game actually.  The dramas of the movie called life.  Thanks for opening up possibilities.  They are as infinite as the restrictions.  Also its fun to think, "Why would not making it on Oprah be the best thing for my life."  It sounds radical and I invite you to consider.  It can alleviate some of the anxiety.  My 3 were quite relieving actually and I still would love to be on it also. Its all so good!  Guess i should register myself as "Pollyanna"!  
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    poopourripoopourri subscriber Posts: 1
    And the weird thing about the orders is that we offer free shipping on orders over $25 on our website and 1.5-2 weeks ago we had an order for many bottles shipped overnight.   I wondered what kind of stomach flu they had that they needed so much product so quickly.  Isn`t it fun to ponder....
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