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Any advice on choosing the dominant colour(s) for your start up?

workrmdworkrmd subscriber Posts: 2
edited July 2014 in Thought Leadership
Hi, I am working as a freelance PA for a start-up company that was set up on July 1st and they received a customer after 6 days and they need to have a logo and a professional invoice so that they can get paid properly. The start up is not fully sure on what they are looking for in a logo as they wasn't planning on getting a logo designed for another 1-2 months.

In short, does anyone have any good advice or experience in choosing what should be the dominant colour(s) for their start up? (The start-up has spent a few hours thinking about it and has come up with 2 alternatives: Red, Black & White or Brown & Yellow. But the company is worried that they don't have any robust reasoning or logic to back up these suggestions).

I am hoping somebody else on this forum may have been through a similar experience and can offer some advice.
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