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Prospeity POS : Mac POS - Partners with Wounded Warrior Project

rreynoldsrreynolds subscriber Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Public Relations
Prosperity POS has teamed up with the Wounded Warrior Project to aide physically and emotionally disabled veterans in returning to daily life in the United States.  At the end of 2014, 10% of all proceeds from Prosperity’s Ipad Mac POS systems, software, and services will be donated to the Wounded Warrior Project.  Wounded Warrior provides injured veterans and their families services and offers financial aid in a number of areas such as therapy and counseling, home modifications, college grants, and more.
To learn more about Wounded Warrior, visit their website at www.woundedwarriorproject.org
Also check out: www.Prosperitypos.com to try a free 30 day trial version (v2.4) of their new Mac POS restaurant software. The new features include 2 custom drive-thru options and VAT (Value Added Tax) style taxation for businesses who use tax-inclusive item pricing.
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