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How to secure and clearly define roles of members.

lediousledious subscriber Posts: 1
Hello everyone, my name is Scott and I am the President and Creative Director of a game company I started senior year of high school. Throughout college, my team and I had been focusing on learning how to create market and release videogames now that I am graduating college we have developed a diverse portfolio and have enough expertise in game design to start going full throttle with the company.  We are currently working on a game that has gotten very positive feedback from consumers and we feel has a lot of potential to put us on the map. However with financial success we also need legal documents defining ground rules and the responsibilities of every member otherwise management can become chaos and misinterpretations could run the company into the ground.  As the leader of the group, I hold the vision for the company and I focus on keeping the team together and making sure everyone is working together well and is happy. However over the years I have begun to feel like the other members have gotten too used to me being "on their level" as we are all friends and I feel the respect of my position is diminishing. Everyone just wants to do what they want and its causing a disruptive environment for people to work in. 
All I want is the ability to run this company with the vision I started it with and to ensure every member is happy and earns more than what they deserve when we gain financial success. I want the team to work together more efficiently in a structured hierarchy which is hard to do as everyone sees everyone else as friends (it’s hard to have one of your friends a manager and you working under them). To me this is not about the money, I am even willing to donate a large portion of my cut back into the studio to ensure my members are happy. So my question is on how to legally define the positions the right way and make it clear that a hierarchy is needed not for oppression but for efficiency in the company to help us achieve our goals. How do I ensure fairness in the system for everyone but still maintain my authority to lead the original vision we all once strived to follow? Or is perhaps my request unrealistic?I appreciate any and all comments on the subject. And if the problem is myself; I am open any constructive critiscism that can help me become a better leader. 
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