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Funding for UK Entrepreneurs

GoodStoryGoodStory subscriber Posts: 1
edited December 2013 in Startup Funding
Hi, we're Good Story, a charity that helps young creative entrepreneurs get their businesses off the ground. We provide funding alongside free expert business advice from experienced mentors.
If you're from the UK, aged between 18 and 30 and you've got a creative craft that you're currently trying to turn in to a business we can help you. Come and say hi at http://goodstory.org.uk/.
We started Good Story in memory of talented young clothing designer Mimi Watts, who died in a snowboarding accident in Chamonix, France on the 8th December 2012. “Mims” inspired hundreds of people to follow their dreams by doing what they love, but just like so many others she struggled with the endless complexities of setting up her own business. We want to give other people the opportunities that Mimi didn’t have by guiding them through their first steps of running a business and helping them with their applictions for funding.
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