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I am looking for Funding for my Juice Bar

ZellaJuiceZellaJuice subscriber Posts: 1
edited December 2007 in Elevator Pitches
I am looking for investors to help my business grow. I own a Juice Bar in a small town. I have been here for almost 2 years. We have a great product. We sell smoothies that are made with fresh juice and have our fresh cashew milk in them. It`s a great concept that should be more available to the public. Instead all we have is McDonalds & Starbucks everywhere. Even the big smoothie chain Jamba Juice is not actually healthy for you. Why don`t we have more healthy food and drinks available? If we get the proper funding, we would like to open another location in the next town over. It has a sports arena and we would like to find a location within a few blocks from there. I have tried everything to get funding and I just can`t do it based on my credit. five years ago I had identity theft and had to claim bankruptcy. So I thought I would post on here and see if anyone was interested in helping. With the proper funding this could get big. Maybe even as big as Jamba Juice. The best part is...we figured out how to make the most delicious soft ice cream that is non-dairy, organic, and sugar-free (sweetened with honey). We could be the next healthy Baskin Robbins!!Join us in our dream. You`ll be glad you did.Thanks for reading
ZellaJuice2007-8-6 11:47:47


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