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Value Advantage Website

ValueAdvantageValueAdvantage subscriber Posts: 1
edited January 2011 in Website Critique
Hi Everyone,
We would like to get your thoughts and opinions about our new website. Please help us find out what we need to add or change to our website to better rank in search engines and of course deliver our message clearer.
Please check our website here: http://www.valueadvantage.asia

Value Advantage Limited creates synergy between three bundles of services to bring incredible value and competitive advantages to Asia's growing businesses, the IT services providers who support them, and the marketers who want to better reach and understand them. VA identifies common requirements amongst its Members, offers group purchasing opportunities to the Members with those requirements, and delivers high volume orders with virtually no cost of sales to designated vendors who in turn offer lowest possible prices to participating Members.
VA also helps Members grow their business with access to growth strategy consultants, subject matter experts, and intra-club networking and learning opportunities. VA also offers Members enterprise level IT support and monitoring services at extremely low prices.
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