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Funding for a New business

WilsonUsmanWilsonUsman subscriber Posts: 1
edited May 2010 in Startup Funding
me and my friend are just getting started with our business we want to open a cleaning service that targets only businesses in town. we decided on the cleaning business because we figured we would have low start-up cost.
we want to bring in investors but we don't know where to get the funding. Where should we go for some start-up capital. I have already got some from family and friends.


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    HaddyHaddy subscriber Posts: 0
    Funding is an essential element in structuring a business. Mine is a start-up firm started less than year ago came across the same problem. I tried everywhere for the initial investment but I failed in all my attempts. At last, my true friend suggested me this firm http://www.bmfunding.com/. Blue Mountain funding is a boon for the small and mid-cap businesses like us.
    They have the lenders spread over the world offering unique funding solutions to the market segments. I'm quite proud to say, I've seen incredible developments in my business within a year and of course the credit goes to myself but the base was laid by bmfunding.
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    yourekiddingrightyourekiddingright subscriber Posts: 0
    Be careful when posting for funding sources, every cockroach comes out of the woodwork. USE COMMON Sense when evaluating these places, especially the ones that promise funding and ask you for thousands before closing.
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