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Need advise on how to get most out of attending a tradeshow

toppdoggtoppdogg subscriber Posts: 8
edited July 2008 in Marketing
Hi, everyone,
We are going to attend an industry conference and tradeshow (medical products).  The show is attended by large number of companies.  We are confident that our product is technologically superior.  But we are at severe disadvantges in terms of marketing dollars and buzz (e.g., great-looking booth and models manning the booth, expensive gifts and gimmicks, sponsorship, etc).  All we have in plenty is our passion about our product.  So to "infect" show visitors with our passion, we need to draw the visitors to our booth.  And more importantly, to have them remember us among the sea of exhibiting companies.  It is a tall order, but we want to get most bang out of our investment.  That is why we need your help and advise:
1. If you have experience in attending a tradeshow, please share your experience in how to attract visitors and generate leads.
2. In terms of booth display, do you think it is a good idea to be very different (a blue banana in a sea of yellow ones so to speak)?
3. In terms of display and signage for the bottom, do you think that being simple is better and more memorable?
4. Any other ideas and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help!


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