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How does fundraising work?

laykalayka subscriber Posts: 1
edited May 2006 in Startup Funding
Hello forum, I am Creative Director at a large, global advertising agency.
If you can see, you have seen my work, either on TV, print, online or on
that giant board you drive by on your way to the office.

However, I am not fulfilled. I need to start my own place. As a creative
guy, I have tons of ideas, TV shows ideas, product ideas, new application
ideas, invention ideas, etc. but I have no clue of how to start a company.
Business is definitely not my strenght, nor I want it to be. I am the
creative guy, that`s what I do.

BUT, recently I have been approached to start my own, niche advertising
agency. It is a unique and awesome opportunity with tremendous upside
potential. Everyone who hears about it want`s to invest in in. Very smart
and succesful industry people are calling me to have a meeting and
discuss how they can be part of it. I know that I will need these people to
start the place but I have no idea of what to tell them when they`ll
eventually ask about the partnership details.

I would appreciatte any help ou can give me on determining how to do
this? How much ownership of the company are investors antitled to? What
are the rules of thumb? What`s expected?

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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    NuevolutionNuevolution subscriber Posts: 30 Bronze Level Member
    Ouch,,, that is a very critical thing to aswer.. first of all, why would you want your investors to own part of your business.. why not give them stock? Being a stock holder and stock owner are two different this if I am correct.. I had to leave this to the big guys... I hired a lawyer to help me with this... Let me see if I can dig some stuff up for you..
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