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smorsonsmorson subscriber Posts: 1
edited February 2007 in Website Critique
Hello All,
I am new to Startup Nation and I had a chance to look over the forum. I am extremely impressed with the advice that`s given to anyone needing assistance. This is where I need your help.
Would you mind giving me some feedback on my website? Just imagine the thinnest shoe strings possible - well, that`s my budget.
Let me know your thoughts!
Thanks a bunch!


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    smorsonsmorson subscriber Posts: 1
    Hi Nikole,
    Thanks for your input. Placing a summary of what we offer is a great idea.
    Much appreciated.
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    vwebworldvwebworld subscriber Posts: 40
    The site has a good design/look, there are some potential issues... or should I say areas where improvements could help SEO and user "friendly-ness".
    Using a drop down menu for all you categories may not be search engine friendly and thus may hinder those categories from getting indexed by search engine bots.  I suggested having a text based menu of your major categories.
    The home page title is "Gifts by Madison Storefront".  A webpage`s title is important in search results and thus should include one or more targeted keywords.  "Gifts" is a very competitive keyword and would be hard to achieve a high placement with this site.
    Design - I would expect the text "Gifts by Madison" to be in the header image rather than below it. The brand logos are ok.. as they indicate some products, but they should have alt image tags of the respective brand... so those tags can be read by search engine bots.
    As was mentioned, you might want to have a short paragraph summarizing why I should buy from Gifts by Madison... using your target keywords.
    Since you are using ProStores (a proprietary set-up) you might not be able to implement some suggestions... as most proprietary systems have limited dessign flexibility.
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