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Looking for opputinities as a Distributor/Liason in NW Region

ShailuShailu subscriber Posts: 1
I am an aspiring entrepreneur and am striving to beocme one. I am working full time in a semi conductor MNC in portland as a SW Engineer. I am a perminant resident of US but am from India.If anyone in SuN wants to setup a liasion office or are looking for a distribution, I would definately be interested. I am also thinking of getting some merchandise from India or the other way to start up a import-export business. The things that I would like to get from India are the handmade enbroidered linens i.e. table cloths, napkins, mats etc. Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas. I am completely new to business so it would really help a lot if anyone have any suggestions or ideas.
SuN forum is a like information highway which has given the courage to even think about business. Great job guys.


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