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Starting Up

PellegrinoPellegrino subscriber Posts: 1
edited December 2009 in Startup Funding
Well I'm currently out of work and was searching around for some info when I came across this forum. This seems like a great site and maybe you guys could help me out, I currently have a thousand dollars that I want to do something with. Now I know a thousand isn't much but is there anyway I could flip it or put it into a website? I know the question is really general but I'm lost in the computer business world. I want to eventually start a business online but was thinking I could make some quick money in order to start that business. Thanks for any advice or information.


  • Options
    rhaqsrost03rhaqsrost03 subscriber Posts: 0
    You just need to be determine and trust yourself,..you need to be hardworking and set up your goal for the buisness you want,..you also need to have an interest with the business you want to start up...
  • Options
    anthony2313anthony2313 subscriber Posts: 1

    You can check out affiiliate marketing...which i believe its the easiest
    way to make money online but its NOT GET RICH QUICK. You can
    take alook at a site created my john reese, its called
    and its a membership site but john reese will educate you on affiliate
    marketing. if you have 1000 dollars the price is only 39 dollars a month.
    You can check it out for one month and if you don't like it..which i doubt...you
    can cancel anytime. Theres also a affiliate marketing

    method called Bum Marketing..Which you join a affiliate program for free
    and then you write and submit articles for free...which will send traffic to
    the website and if someone buys, you will get a check in the mail.
    Also google ewen chia and rosalind gardner there affiliate marketing experts
    hope that help

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