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It’s great when your product gets legislative backing...

ladderlessladderless subscriber Posts: 3
I just heard that the 2008 National Electrical Code is requiring all lighting fixtures to have an electrical disconnect provision at the fixture.  There are WAY too many people hurt or killed each year from working on "hot" light fixtures.
Our product has been doing this for over three years.  All our fixtures have this provision now.  We even take safety further by making the disconnect (electrical, mechanical, and mounting) without using a ladder.  No shock hazard, AND no fall hazard.
Some of the lighting experts are beginning to wonder how the HECK they will meet this requirements with their recessed fixtures - Our recessed fixtures meet the new code.  We`re even introducing track lighting later this year that meets code.
The new word on the lighting streets is "maintenance safety."
The sun is shining brighter today...
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