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what companies to sell to and where to find them

mscott2097mscott2097 subscriber Posts: 6
edited October 2007 in Marketing
I`m starting my business and my customers are businesses who
use customized software. I have no idea where to find these type of companies, or even which companies us
such as health care, financial etc.. so i can sell and market to them. can someone point
me in the right direction?




  • Options
    scheesmanscheesman subscriber Posts: 0
    Are you selling and marketing the custom software itself or a product or service that plugs into the software they already have?
    You mentioned health care and financial which means pretty big companies most likely. You can source these from Dun and Bradstreet lists or go to associations to which they might belong. Also, most probably have a website which may lead you to names or again, go to a list seller like D&B or others for this type of info. You are probably looking for a C-level exec in IT or in the division that would use your software or service.
    Gather as much information as you can about the organization. Try to find out prior to your call or letter what their "hot" buttons are. Problems to solve; what keeps the individual up at night for example.
    You don`t mention where these clients might be -- are they local to you or national or international? If you are just starting do you have a marketing budget for this?
    You may need a marketing guru to help you.
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