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Please evaluate my site

thriftstorejunkiethriftstorejunkie subscriber Posts: 2
edited September 2006 in Website Critique
I`m brand new to this kind of thing. I built the whole site myself using Yahoo Sitebuilder. I really love my store and have many ideas. I opened around April and have had only one sale. I registered with all the free search engine registrations and am currently paying for Yahoo`s cost per click program. I have tried to optimize the use of keywords. I think my site might be kind of "primitive" but I don`t have money to pay people to make it look great. I don`t mind doing the time consuming work of taking advantage of any free advertising stuff out there like banners, linking to other sites like mine, keywords and stuff like that. Please let me know what you think, good and bad. I would really appreciate it. I have wrote more about my site in my profile. www.thriftstoretreasures.net


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