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A real job that I have

John1John1 subscriber Posts: 1
edited April 2008 in Marketing
Some days ago I registered on the site ___www.myinvestbusiness.com___. I find this very interesting because it’s not hard to find people who are putting their money aside for something. Even now I offered to some my friends to invest their money in portfolios of this Company and they agreed (because it makes it possible to save and increase money). Due to my reward completely depends on the sum of money I managed to find to invest, so there is a reason to work hard! I mean that for now I earned 1500$ as an agent of the company only in several days!!! But I also can use my money to invest them in the portfolio, and that’s what I’m going to do so when I accumulate some more money!
That’s why I decided to tell you some info about my job.
Good luck!
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