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    typo57typo57 subscriber Posts: 0
    Brochures can be a great marketing tool; however, if you`re not using them effectively, they`re not worth the money.  Not knowing exactly what type of "service" you`re providing, it`s difficult to say if you could get away with a "pocket stuffer"... sort of like 1/3 of the brochure.  Include logo, name, contact info, etc., with basic highlights of your services.  You`d have to know your customers first.  Some will want whatever info they can get - and don`t mind reading a lengthy brochure.  Others want just the facts in an easy-to-read format.  If you do the pocket stuffers still use quality papers.  There`s nothing wrong with designing your own brochure.  You could have them professionally printed.  I do mine on my computer, and since they change regularly when my wine list changes, they`re easy to update.  Minimum quantity insures no wasted costs.  People don`t seem to mind, but my brochure is mostly text anyway.
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    watergalwatergal subscriber Posts: 10 Bronze Level Member
    Thanks Donna for your input
    Never heard of "pocket stuffers" before.  I like the idea of designing my own
    brochures because I know I will be changing them around in the beginning until
    I get just the right look and content. So I would only want to make a small
    amount and then get them printed out somewhere else probably try
    Kinkos. I think I can download the brochure to them and they just print
    and deliver to me. That`s simple enough! I have looked at templates and
    not seen anything that appeals to me so I will set some time aside to
    design my own . Mine will be mostly text too ( my services and benefits
    of using them). Thanks again for the help!

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    watergalwatergal subscriber Posts: 10 Bronze Level Member
    Thanks Mike,
    I have bundled services already worked out into 4 plans (bronze,silver,gold
    and platinum. The higher end plans are discounted. Each plan contains coordinating
    services. What I like about what you mentioned is discounting another
    service as a reward for purchase of a set amount of errands. In my
    case, maybe a client would pay for 5 grocery shopping trips and I would
    then offer them a discount on a service they normally would not even
    think about. (Like helping them to organize their paperwork, bills,
    medicare and doctors, etc) into a efficient,quick and user friendly
    system.  This would help them by saving them time and
    hopefully  like it enough to tell their neighbors about it thereby
    spreading the word. Thanks for the great tip
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    jasonburtonjasonburton subscriber Posts: 0 Member
    A bunch f unqiue brochures and flyers prints at http://www.digitekprinting.com/brochures-flyers that can be effective to use, try them now.
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    Adam JonesAdam Jones subscriber Posts: 124 Silver Level Member
    This idea will help you and it will cover less amount budget,Will suggest you to Use the front of the cover as a way to entice readers to pick up the brochure. Use an image aimed directly at your target audience. If you sell water skis, an image of someone water skiing is the type of image you want to use, not an image of the front of your business. Write a caption below the image.
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