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Inventor Business Plan

DesBDesB subscriber Posts: 1
edited August 2012 in Business Planning
Greetings to all and thanks in advance for all assistance given.I have a provisional patent for a kitchen appliance [variable coffee machine] that myself and friends are developing. We are in the process of writing a business plan to obtain funds for creating the prototype and then presenting to various companies/groups with the intent to license. The issue that we are having is related to the uniqueness of writing a business plan 1] for an invention and 2] with the sole intent to license. With that in mind, here are some of the questions that have come up:1] In writing the financial portion of the plan, are we only to focus on the costs associated with creating the prototype and marketing to perspective licensees; or do we need to also include projections for the costs of manufacturing and selling the product?2] In the market analysis section, is it sufficient to only discuss the various ways we intend to market to potential licensees; or do we need to get into marketing plans towards consumers?3] Are there any sample invention (to license) business plans available?Hopefully these questions explain the dilemma that we are facing.


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