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Please take a look and tell me your thoughts

oneorganizedlifeoneorganizedlife subscriber Posts: 4
edited October 2007 in Website Critique
I`ve had clients and friends tell me they like the site - and I guess clients liking it is the most important part, but there`s something about my website I just don`t like.I made it with Office Live. I am seriously considering a switch to Yahoo Small Business because their templates seem a little more streamlined than Office Live - at least from what I`ve seen anyway.  I`ve found there is too little wiggle room with O.L.  I also hate that I can only edit my site using Internet Explorer. I hate IE. I can`t afford a web designer right now, and everyone who has been interested in bartering for my services has either flaked out, or has fewer skills than me.  I`ve started doing speaking engagements and writing in a magazine, so I feel a serious time crunch to get things looking good as my website gets more hits.So far, people have loved the content and several people have said "I loved where you said..." So I think I`m fine in that department. I`m mainly concerned with aesthetics. So tell me, what do you think of the site? Does it look good and I`m freaking out...or does it seem a little....off...to you too?www.OneOrganizedLife.com
oneorganizedlife2007-10-1 14:49:17


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    vwebworldvwebworld subscriber Posts: 40
    The site is fine.. and as you note limited as far as design / features.
    Generally, there will always be limitations when you use a package / site builder / hosting solution. So, moving to another hosted all in one solution may provide some different templates, but may still limit what you can do.
    Two things about the current site:
    (1) the Title of the home page should be changed to use your targeted keywords.
    (2) Think about rearranging the order of your menu. Typically the "contact us" menu item is near the bottom of the menu and the services are closer to the top.
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    SandraPSandraP subscriber Posts: 3
    I think you are on the right track - I like that it is clean and simple. It reflects what you are trying to do. Too much and it will be overwhelming and cluttered - not what you are trying to do!
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    oneorganizedlifeoneorganizedlife subscriber Posts: 4
    I think you are on the right track - I like that it is clean and simple. It reflects what you are trying to do. Too much and it will be overwhelming and cluttered - not what you are trying to do!
    ~SandraThanks Sandra...that`s what my goal is - to have a simple, uncluttered site.  I have seen sites by some organizers that just look totally unprofessional and clunky. I want to make sure mine reflects what I am trying to do with my business.
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    oneorganizedlifeoneorganizedlife subscriber Posts: 4
    Thanks Roland,I will fix the navigation and figure out how to change the name of the home page.
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    oneorganizedlifeoneorganizedlife subscriber Posts: 4

    Yes, it must be philosopher humor.

    I don`t think the whole "welcome" thing is a big deal. I will most likely keep it, but who knows.

    When you say "the title" do you mean - "One Organized Life"? Because that`s my business name. And I don`t plan on changing that.

    Thanks for pointing out the we/me/I thing. That usually drives me nuts when people do it. It helps to have someone else read it.

    For the time being, I might just remove the "About Us" link all
    together - I haven`t decided what to put there exactly. I know I will
    have testimonials...but what I have been debating is whether or not to
    post my personal story of how I came to create the business. If I don`t
    do that, I pretty much covered why the business exists on the "Why OOL
    exists" page.

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    oneorganizedlifeoneorganizedlife subscriber Posts: 4

    Just an addition, if you care to add to the copy - I find that when my home is a mess, my brain is a mess meaning I can`t really concentrate on anything fully or thoroughly accomplish tasks.  Over the years, I`ve come to realize this true for so many people.Absolutely! Mental clutter and physical clutter are typically tied together. I can`t believe I haven`t worked that in on my site! I definitely mention that when I speak to someone in person.  I think it`d be a good idea to try to incorporate that somehow.
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    kaa1kaa1 subscriber Posts: 6

    great site, like the colours.  a few more pictures  demonstrating a before and after of work would  be great.
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    oneorganizedlifeoneorganizedlife subscriber Posts: 4

    great site, like the colours.  a few more pictures  demonstrating a before and after of work would  be great.
     Yes, before and afters are the big thing people mention. But a lot of my clients don`t want their photos shown! For most of the people who have agreed to me using their photos, we`re still working on their project.
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