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EX In The City Version 2 - Would LOVE your EX-Rated Critique

exinthecityexinthecity subscriber Posts: 4
edited December 2006 in Website Critique
Hi everyone. About 6 weeks ago I posted a request for feedback on my website www.exinthecity.com</A> - a site designed to help women rebuild their lives after a divorce or breakup. My tagline is Empowering Women to Move from EX to EXtraordinary. The site has blogs, mine and other EXperts, women`s travel tips, 50+ Ex Rated City Guides (tips on where to go in cities around the world while in the stages of "EX" - Exile, Express, Exorcise, Explore and Exhale!  I even have a section called sEXy EX for women rediscovering their sensual side.
I have spent hours and hours on this site and feel that it is a huge improvement over the previous site which was well very pink and mostly informational. I am trying to find some investment to take this site to the next level - I have ideas about EX Rated tours, product, and coaching etc.  I`ve worked hard on links and the blogs in particular are very compelling.  I would LOVE any critique and feedback on how I can improve. I need to drive HUGE amounts of traffic in order to start selling advertising, membership etc. 
Do you like it? What words would you use to describe the site? Do you think I can make some money with this site? I am soooo close to it now, I just can`t get a reality check.
Thanks so much everyone!! Good luck with all of your businesses too!  If you have a blog by the way that you`d like me to promote - I am open to that - women only I am afraid for now until I built the black marble taj mahal - www.exinthecity.com</A> for men Best Regards~ Margaret 


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    ChuckChuck subscriber Posts: 6
    As with most sites that request a review here, I immediately dive in with the thought, "what are they trying to accomplish".  That`s the primary source of my confusion - I`m guessing it`s an informational site where you`re going to try and serve ads, maybe there`s some affiliate opportunities???But it`s not readily apparent, even after clicking through a few pages.  If you`re trying to build out a mailing list or get subscribers, as Craig points out you should make it painfully obvious that you`re trying to do so.On the design side, I don`t have a lot of critique to offer, although I had an expectation that your top navigation would have some sort of hover effect, not sure why.
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