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National Inventors Hall of Fame

patentandtrademarkpatentandtrademark subscriber Posts: 103
edited February 2009 in Protecting Your Ideas
National Inventors Hall of Fame Announces 2009 Inductees
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the integrated circuit, Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Acting Director of the USPTO John Doll joined members of Congress and officials of the National Inventors Hall of Fame last week to announce the 2009 class of inductees.  All those recognized are inventors of advances related to or enabled by integrated circuit technology.  The 2009 inductees include inventors such as Jean Hoerni, who developed the manufacturing process for modern integrated circuits; Alfred Cho, who achieved a process used in creating devices such as the lasers used in CD and DVD players and drives; and George Heilmeier, who pioneered the first liquid crystal displays.


Ten living inventors and five deceased innovators will be inducted at a ceremony at the ComputerMuseum in Mountain View, Calif. on May 2, 2009.

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