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Looking for a sample radio show proposal

NamasteNamaste subscriber Posts: 1
edited July 2008 in Public Relations
Hi all! I started a new business about a year ago..producing Indian music concerts in the New York City area and also providing live Indian music for special events, fundraisers, weddings etc.
Last week I was interviewed about my business on a station that features a program of Indian classical music and I realized I want my own radio talk show playing Indian music, doing interviews with musicians, authors, actors etc....only about Indian (and South Asian) arts & culture. I found one pitch sample on the CNBC site (Canada)..any other suggestions for a good proposal that has worked? thanks!


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    ameeraameera subscriber Posts: 0
    Namaste! Hola! Hello!
    Kay see hang? Mai baut accha hai! Mai Hispanic hu, lekin mera dil international hai, especially for India! I am replying to ur posted email, but rather than giving suggestions, I am actually asking for suggestions.
    I am working on a writing a radio proposal for developing a Spanish-English radio program. . However, I am also looking for radio writing proposal suggestions. If u have any, please let me know.
    Listed below are a few links that might be helpful, unless of course if u have already viewed such links.
    Congratulations on your obtain success thus far and I do wish u all the best on your continual entrepreneural endeavors.
    http://www.cbc.ca/ideas/submissions.htmlameera7/18/2008 8:51 PM
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