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SEO / SEM help: Where to go from here?

SalemHSalemH subscriber Posts: 4
edited June 2008 in Marketing
Hi Startup Nation,
I was curious about your input into SEO / SEM and where I could start focusing my online activities to promote traffic.
Currently, for Design My Idea (which is scheduled to relaunch with denser / more effective content this week), my SEO / SEM consists of: numerous article postings to assist our demographic (inventors) on many different web 2.0 sites, etc, forum postings; services offered and just answering questions on various invention design or invention help in general and have increased our traffic.
Were pretty highly rated for organic searches (such as "invention design" and others), but where do you go from here?
I`ve just begun posting are articles as a blog, and will be starting a 6 month posting of specific articles geared towards invention product design, which I believe will be easier to market towards larger 2.0 sites.
I`ve considered focusing on building an RSS feed, to garner more attention with yahoo, but, where do I go from here?
I`m a non-technical marketer (no PHP coding myself), suggestions?
EDIT: posted in the wrong section, apologies, thanks for the replies regardless.DesignMyIdea6/11/2008 12:05 AM


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