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Business Plan

1stLady1stLady subscriber Posts: 1
with writing my business plan how do i go about provideing information on all the various markets within the industry i want to go in? How do i find out about new products or developments that will benefit or adversely affect mybusiness.


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    MrFesterMrFester subscriber Posts: 1
    Google is an incredible research tool.  Typing your chosen market and your vicinity`s name can yield an obscene amount of returns, so attempt to limit it down a bit with other keywords such as what your competition may be.  For example if you are going into business running a coffee shop/internet cafe, you may want to search like so:
    "Coffee shop"  "My city name"  "internet access"
    This will give you a decent idea of competition.  Also, if you live in a small town as I do, I just go into the other places as a customer and chat with other customers and employees to see what they like and dislike about the place.  Also, and this may no apply to you at all, but I have the opportunity to ask other proprietors how they got their demographics, which the chamber of commerce carries yearly reports in my town.
    I hope something here helps.  Best of luck!
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