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Please critique erica.biz -- my business blog

ericabizericabiz subscriber Posts: 1
edited May 2010 in Website Critique
Hi! I'm Erica Douglass, and I write a popular online business blog. I'm
looking for a critique of the design and layout of my site. What do you
suggest I change, add, or subtract to make my site function even better? The main goal is to get people to sign up for my free Blog Success
Manifesto--a 62-page ebook that shows you how to grow your blog faster
than ever before. Secondary goals are to gain more email subscribers and
loyal readers.
Theme is Fresh News by WooThemes I designed the current header myself.
Visit erica.biz - online
business blog
Check it out and let me know what I can do to improve the site! Thanks, -Erica
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