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A complicated and customisable website

disconnect25disconnect25 subscriber Posts: 1
Hi every one, I was just looking if someone give me a push to get started. I am looking to create and big and complex website to start an internet business (rough idea: it would be a shopping website where people can open their internet shops and it would be highly customisable for shop owners, when someone purchases a product the shop owner receives notification through his PC or POS with all related informations)
I have idea and investment, the problem is i don't have any knowledge in this sector. I don't know like what a programmer/talent i should hire for that? From which employee to get start? I can hire 3-4 people for this project.
Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance


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    christiancolechristiancole subscriber Posts: 0 Member
    You already have a plan on what to do, right? Then you can go to Odesk and search for a programmers that knows Magento or Prestashop CMS. The two platforms works best for a shopping site. Try to dig information about Magento and Prestashop. I believe these are the platform you're looking for. Hope it helps you.
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