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production company needs investor

deena1deena1 subscriber Posts: 2
edited May 2008 in Elevator Pitches

We are an independent production company in Central FLorida.

We are currently in production of a documentary about our reality show Pauper to Princess, the G-rated reality show that got caught up in scandal.

We are now more popular than we ever could have been; we have had national media attention since this started.

We are looking for $100,000 to complete our post-production and of course, our surprise twist ending.

We have already spent $300,000 of our own money on the production.
Is there anyone out there would would have interest in funding this documentary? We are offering a 20% ROI upon sale/distribution or if preferred, eequity in our company. 
As soon as this documentary is finished and sold, we will be auditioning for the full season of the actual reality show, Pauper To Princess.
Please e-mail me at diana@orlando.bz with helpful comments.

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