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Industrial Clean Air...Redeux, Please Critique

DGoodinDGoodin subscriber Posts: 6
edited December 2007 in Website Critique
Hello all...
Just finished a make-over of my website, and I`m looking for some feedback.
Be as honest as you`d like, just keep in mind I`m still a rookie at this.
Fire away...


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    DGoodinDGoodin subscriber Posts: 6
    I guess an address would be handy as well... sorry, not feeling well today.
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    WeblineWebline subscriber Posts: 13 Bronze Level Member
    Visually, its clean and easy to read. Maybe break up all the blue link fonts with something different, though; its almost too much. I think some of your main page content ( text ) should be moved to the top of the page, above the images; give the viewers a little more info to start off with.
    You seem to have two different menus on the left side, depending on what you have clicked on. Little confusing at first, since I`m not sure why it changes.
    Personally I don`t care for the blue borders around the images on the main page, or the table frame, but just my opinion. Maybe add a short descriptive line below each image, and put titles in the image links.
    In your code, you have a lot of empty lines and unneeded meta tags. Your css could be moved to another file. Overall, shouldn`t take a whole lot to clean it up.
    You seem to have a lot of content, which is good. Overall, I would say not bad for the redesign, just a little tweaking here and there.
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