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Navigating the minefield of Chinese trademark and copyright.

ChickenBotChickenBot subscriber Posts: 1 Member

Hello! n00b Looking for an expert here - I hope I've picked the right category for this post. Please accept my apologies in advance if not.

We have developed a vastly-improved piece of legacy technology in the CE space with excellent crossover potential into multiple verticals. We've done quite well in the USA and EU and are now engaged in discussions with some distributors in PRC to help us address Greater China.

Our greatest concern at this point is protecting our IP in the "Wild Wild East." My understanding is that it is essential to register your trademark with CNIPA before transacting a sale. I am getting some conflicting estimates regarding timeline, ROTR, and cost. I've done a fair amount of retail business in PRC, but never at this granular level. In other words, I've had the luxury of a "corporate legal department" in the past which I do not currently have at my disposal. So I need to be able to interview and evaluate local law firms who I can trust to make sure this is done right. Anybody have any experience here or can point me in the right direction? There is a timeline here, too - I have a substantial PO in the pipeline, but cannot accept it until I get this sorted.

Many thanks!


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