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Helping the community with legal documents for your website and business.

sarahodoborsarahodobor subscriber Posts: 2 Member

Hello Business Owners,

My name is Sarah Odobor, I am a Compliance and Risk Management legal professional and a legal writer with immense experience in international Data Protection Laws and corporate laws. I just join the community and I thought I could help business owners with my legal writing expertise and free compliance analysis.

What can I offer the community?

I will perform FREE compliance and risk analysis on your website to ascertain you have all necessary legal documents your website needs and also ensure your website complies with Data Protect Laws within your jurisdiction.

I will help businesses draft the following documents at budget-friendly rates:

Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy (GDPR compliant)

Disclaimers and Cookie Policy

All types of Agreements and Contracts



You can reach me through my website with the discount code SN40 to get started.

Sarah Odobor


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