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Really Need Help

OldGuyKenOldGuyKen subscriber Posts: 3 Member

I’m really happy to join your forum and possibly gain some knowledge about internet marketing that I am sorely missing. To tell you a bit about myself, I was an international business consultant for 40 years until I retired [I’m 78 years old now…[Old Guy!] Anyway, since retiring, I created a revolutionary line of Elegant Frameable Metal Greeting Cards which I’ve been selling very well into brick & mortar stores, but have “zero” sales online. I not proud to admit that I have absolutely no expertise in e-commerce marketing, which is a shame, because hundreds of millions of dollars are being lost from this venue. I have a 22,000 sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Virginia and I am looking for that special someone who has comprehensive website and online marketing experience to completely take over this end of my business as a full partner [No investment necessary] Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks… I look forward to hearing from you.


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