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CEO work habits?

Lions22Lions22 subscriber Posts: 1 Member

I joined a startup as a marketing/advertising/designer. The CEO had a kernel of an idea, which was nurtured and developed into a promising concept as a result of the hard work of the cofounders. The concept is very promising which is why the cofounders are still on board. That said, the CEO resists actually "working". He's a bit of a sales-type: lots of talk, looks great in a suit, great at having a drink at the bar and schmoozing and talking about how great his startup is. But when the cofounders try to get him to work on the business plan, he resists saying he "doesn't want to waste time working on something that's going to change anyway". We have no contracts, no clear equity agreements other than verbal. We have no financial records (except what's in his head). He is focused solely on pushing the programmers to complete the MVP, but he does not want to do anything else concurrently.

Your impressions?

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