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I've Made This Awesome Program, Now What?

Josh OJosh O subscriber Posts: 1 Member

Hi I have created a data backup / file folder sync program. I put 10 years of IT experience into the program to make it the ultimate program of its kind; I know exactly what I want in such a program.

The program is almost complete, it just needs two or so months of work to complete. I need to renew my Qt (a tool for making the program) subscription to continue programming for $948 for another year. Once I complete the program I plan on submitting to a first page Google review site to get a permanent link for $5000. And of course it would be nice to be paid for the remaining work to be done.

Is it possible for me to raise funding maybe from some angel investors even though I have no revenue to back me up yet and have no existing user base? If so what is a good angel investor platform to use? If not what do I need to do to secure some funding?



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    StunningCopyStunningCopy subscriber Posts: 3 Member

    Best of Luck with your Program - I'm not IT savvy so its well outside my area of expertise and you sound like you really know your stuff!! Im a freelance Copywriter just reaching out if you need any help with the copy etc., just let me know! again all the best with it 😊

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