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Shipping Carriers - Who do you use and why?

ValienValien subscriber Posts: 7
Hi there,I have a small e-commerce business (www.chumpmonkeygames.com) and I have been shipping using RedRoller.com as my primary `shipping portal`. Problem is that shipping costs are killing me on my store. I need to find a way to get some reduced shipping rates and am not sure who will have the best prices for me.So, who do you use and how did you get better rates?  One thing I don`t have the ability is daily pickup. I know with UPS I can lower my rates with a daily pickup, but business isn`t at that point yet.Thoughts? Advice?Thanks.~Allen


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    RumpelstiltskinRumpelstiltskin subscriber Posts: 1
    http://www.smartlinc.net/index.html</A> Try looking into this service.  Also, I`ve heard of a shipping service (can`t remember the name) that "Bulk Ships" from many different vendors, and at a lower-rate. (sort of a co-op type thing). It is intended to provide bulk-rate-pricing to low-volume small business. I believe that all shipments are sent to a primary location first, prior to being sent to their intended destination.
    Good Luck.
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