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Looking to join a startup in E-commerce, Mobile Apps, SAAS, Amazon, Import/Export

MikeS121MikeS121 subscriber Posts: 16 Bronze Level Member

I am looking to join a startup in E-commerce, Mobile Apps, Import/Export, SAAS, Amazon, etc., etc. What matters to me is that the product is either unique or is finding a solution to a particular problem. I am a Chartered Accountant (ACCA (UK) and CPA/CGA (Canada)) by profession and willing to invest sweat equity in the accounting side. I am very passionate about technology startups and I know how to get things done. Geographically, I am located in Canada, but I am ready to work remotely with a startup in any area, including East or West coast, Europe or Asia.

Please e-mail me at sameer.mobin89@gmail.com for more information

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