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Is reaching out to former designer at a major company a good idea? And Prototype & Sample question.

TheTryTheTry subscriber Posts: 2 Member
I'm in the process of starting my business for an original sports apparel product(s). I had a tech pack created a month ago, and I'm looking at creating a prototype and samples right now. 

I have the contact information of a designer that previously worked for a major company and want to reach out to them for advice and possible help. I have an NDA  ready for them to sign, I still worry about disclosing my information to someone who was so closely connected to a major company, but nonetheless I think the knowledge I would gain would be invaluable. Should I reach out to this individual?

Also, I've found a manufacturing plant that handles prototypes and samples that's less then two hours away. I understand that samples are free or there's a small nominal fee involved. However, it seem's like prototypes and samples are in a vaguely similar boat. How would one differentiate between a sample and a prototype especially if  both are designed from tech pack examples? Do you need a physical prototype in order to have a sample made?
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