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Why Do Many European Countries Avoid Outsource?

AndreySanenkoAndreySanenko subscriber Posts: 3 Member
edited September 2018 in Outsourcing
Hello everyone! My name is Koss and I'm a CEO of Ukrainian company VReal Soft, specialized in web and mobile application development. During the last several years, we have been successfully working with many US companies, offering them a high-quality outsource service. Despite the fact, that we also have many clients from Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Great Britain and others,  we've decided to explore the European market more profound. AND it's turned out that a lot of European countries don't want to work with experienced specialists from other countries -  they prefer local specialists to foreign ones. Why is it so? Bad experience with the foreign developers or there is some more serious reasons? Nevertheless, the issue remains open: Why so Many European Countries Avoid Outsource?

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