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Marketing Idea -- Feedback Requested

DesignCaddyDesignCaddy subscriber Posts: 3
edited August 2006 in Marketing
I am very new to marketing and have an idea, but am not quite sure how to implement it.
Our business sells hosting services, domain names, etc.  I recently noticed a domain name that is related to US history, business history, and the history of innovation.  Nobody has registered this domain and I was suprised.
I was considering offering it up for free on my blog (I have enough domains that I have reserved for future use.. and will probably never get to... and I would love to give this to a visitor to my site).
What is the best way to create a "buzz" around something like this? 
There is a potential downside.... I`m kind of an abstract guy and it is entirely possible that what I see as a cool name for a domain or business might not be so cool to other people.  The last thing that I want to do is build up a buzz and then have a letdown.
I am curious to hear the thoughts of others on the board.


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    theswaynestertheswaynester subscriber Posts: 15 Bronze Level Member
    I wouldn`t worry too much about the letdown.Marketing, to me, is neither art or science... it`s a mixture of both. These things have a mind of their own.I`d just throw it up the flag pole and see who salutes. Perhaps fashion it as some sort of a contest?Just one possibility.
    The Swaynester
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    EricEric subscriber Posts: 8
    So let me get this straight. You are trying to give away a domain name that you think has some potential, but you want to make sure that it goes to a good home ....and you want to do it with some fanfare... and you don`t wan`t to make any money from this?  Do I have that correct?
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    paul2145rpaul2145r subscriber Posts: 5
    Set up a 30 day contest, and call it "Win a Domain", or something equally corny and blaise. Post in various places, and recruit ppl to help you with the fanfare...
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    DreamChaserDreamChaser subscriber Posts: 0
    Hi Mike,
    I would d some research to see what the market is , related to the industry you are thinking about. Go to google and type in keywords related to it to see what comes up especially on the sponsored link (ads) side.
    If there are many it is a good indication that there may be a market for it.
    Hope this helps
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    DesignCaddyDesignCaddy subscriber Posts: 3

    So let me get this straight. You are trying to give away a domain name that you think has some potential, but you want to make sure that it goes to a good home ....and you want to do it with some fanfare... and you don`t wan`t to make any money from this?  Do I have that correct?

    Pretty much,
    I don`t think that it is a million dollar domain.  Not even a ten dollar domain.  I googled it and there were no advertisements on the google page.
    However, it does have some historical, business, and innovation context and nobody has it registered in any form.  A person would have to develop a marketing campaign around it, but if somebody were looking for "greenfield" with a little potential and a historical twist, it could work.
    What I would like to do, rather than buy it myself and add to the collection is try to give the idea away and drive visitors to my site.  To me, that would be a great trade.  I have several domain names that I have purchased associated with draft business plans... What I need to do at this stage is focus on driving traffic.
    What I see as a risk is that I could just annoy people by building something up that really isn`t that great.  I did a little research and there is very little search traffic associated with this keyword.  My gimmick might just annoy people and turn people off. 
    I appreciate the feedback....
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    DesignCaddyDesignCaddy subscriber Posts: 3
    OK, Game on.  I purchased some advertising on google, wrote up the rules to the challenge, posted the entry, and linked it to some advertising in google:
    Thanks for the advice, we`ll see what happens. 
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    EricEric subscriber Posts: 8
    I checked out your link. Those are some very broad specs. believe me. I love a good riddle but saying that the name involves a Person Place or thing of historical significance and eluding that it could be a combination of two things of with historical and innovative context doesn`t really do much except try to search your website for the hidden screen shot that you mentioned. (Which is probably the best bet for answering this riddle)
    You haven`t presented us with a true riddle, more of a goose chase. A riddle is an obscure but remotely relatable reference to an associative object through the use of similie or other means of abstract relation to the answer.  What have given us is an "I-Spy" something...........that includes something.... and relates to something .......inspired by a book I read and you didn`t.  Have a look around, do a bunch of research, fumble around my website for awhile and you might just have the answer given to you.
    I really like riddles though. Do you think you could actually give us a riddle that would give our brains something to chew on instead of leading us through a maze of possible answers? You know something like....
    Developmental genius creating shadows in the night. Illuminate rich colors of the bannered stars in sight..........     .COM
    Of course if it`s your point to get us to wander through your web site then nevermind!
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    DesignCaddyDesignCaddy subscriber Posts: 3
    Well, the point was to get people to wander through the site, but at the same time I would like people to have some fun with it.
    Thanks for the feedback!  I will put some thought into this.  You are absolutely right, the hints make this more of a scavenger hunt.
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    DesignCaddyDesignCaddy subscriber Posts: 3
    Great Feedback!!
    I removed the scavenger hunt hints and replaced this with the riddle.  It might be too easy, but who knows.... 
    Thanks again Eric!
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    EricEric subscriber Posts: 8
    My first guess is menloparkwizard.com
    I`m not sure if that`s right but I am fairly certain that I`m in the right ballpark.
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    DesignCaddyDesignCaddy subscriber Posts: 3
    I was thinking MenloParkLab.com, close enough though.  So, if you don`t mind one more bit of feedback, was solving the riddle worth the time?  Is the answer a let down or do you find it somewhat interesting?  
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    EricEric subscriber Posts: 8
    It was not a let down in the least. You did a fine job coming up with the riddle. I would not have guessed menloparklab.com but it does make perfect sense. It is a good .com name but personally, for me, I would want to be working in Menlo Park, NJ just as Edison did. It would be a bit strange to be here in the midwest and have a menloparklab.com name, don`t you think? The only other issue is that most everyday people don`t know that Thomas Edison was called the Wizard of Menlo Park so like you said, it`s a bit obscure. BTW menloparkwizard.com is not taken either. 
    You really have done a fine job with your website Mike. I did check it out quite a bit. It`s easy on the eyes and and far more easy to navigate than godaddy.com who is of course a top or the top heavy hitter in low cost domain registration.
    How`s business in that regard anyway?
    Thanks again for going through the trouble of the riddle.
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    DesignCaddyDesignCaddy subscriber Posts: 3
    Again, I appreciate the feedback.  To me Feedback= Free Learning.  If you ever need an objective opinion on a website or product, I`ll be happy to return the favor.
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