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Flyer distribution to get leads

burtonridrburtonridr subscriber Posts: 2
edited November 2010 in Home-Based Businesses
I know some people bash flyer marketing sometimes... But ya know what, they really work. I have had huge success with flyer marketing in the past. I was able to generate roughly 0.5 leads per week, per flyer location. Now keep in mind, this method takes time to work because you usually dont get very many the first few weeks. But, after people have seen your ad a few times they start to wonder and become interested.

One problem you run into with flyer marketing is the time it takes to run a route each week, it gets old. The other problem is the cost of fuel.

The idea that came to mind today was to offer this service to other mlm businesses so we all can benefit. One guy could run a route for 5 other guys of different mlm businesses and charge them a small fee for the service(like $10 per week).

$10 per week is small fee when you will get about 20 leads per week with a route that has 50 flyer locations. You sign 2 and get paid what ever it is you get paid, but it should be a worth while investment for most network marketers.

A few years back I posting 30 flyers per week for about 2 months and started getting 2-3 calls per day. The best week I had, I signed 4 people and received $120 commission that week which was awesome!
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