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Timeline project status

Randi MillerRandi Miller administrator Posts: 20 Bronze Level Member
edited January 2017 in Selecting a Business
Hey fellow entrepreneurs,

I have been poking at an idea for some time now and think that it's time to start pursuing it further than day-dreams. Would love to hear what you think.

The Background Story

Over the last 4 years, I have worked as a freelancer doing both server upkeep and programming (mostly building large web apps). Often, there has been the client-to-freelancer project status dilemma. They can't visually see things getting done (you aren't sitting in an office with them) and often don't want to go through a cumbersome task list. They often want a linear timeline that can be easily deciphered by any non-technical business owner. Too many times to count, I would have to provide additional imagery and task details in a different format than the project management tools that I use provide.

The Product (draft Elevator pitch)

FreelanceSumo is a project management toolkit specifically targeting remote freelancers that need to provide project status reports to their clients. It provides details on the status using a linear timeline with the ability for the freelancer to mark dates of task completion with videos, imagery and contextual details for the client. This frees up time for their client and reduces their stress of not knowing what is happening behind the curtains.

There are two views to the product.

1. The freelancer view - This is the freelancer's cockpit that allows them to keep track of ongoing tasks, deadlines, and time-tracking. They can upload and manage the client's timeline view, as to update their status without needing to do time consuming daily calls and/or emails.

2. The client view - This is what the client will see when they login. No "task list" or "to-do list" but single timeline view of the entire project with the most recent events at the top. They should be able to view and comment on these items within minutes, if not seconds. Freelancer might show a video of the building process or a working piece, they might show a screenshot of the logo concepts or they might just say that a progress payment is due.

The Mission Statement
FreelanceSumo allows freelancers to provide easily viewable status updates to their clients which saves both parties time each day.
Making the web a better place!

Randi Miller
Geek Guy


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